[. . . ] Correct disposal of your old product helps to prevent potential QHJDWLYH FRQVHTXHQFHV IRU WKH HQYLURQPHQW DQG human health. Environmental information All unnecessary packaging has been omitted. We have tried to make the packaging easy to VHSDUDWH LQWR WKUHH PDWHULDOV FDUGERDUG ER[  polystyrene foam (buffer) and polyethylene EDJV SURWHFWLYH IRDP VKHHW Your system consists of materials which can be recycled and reused if disassembled by D VSHFLDOL]HG FRPSDQ\ 3OHDVH REVHUYH WKH local regulations regarding the disposal of SDFNDJLQJ PDWHULDOV H[KDXVWHG EDWWHULHV DQG ROG HTXLSPHQW The device can be operated in the EU without UHVWULFWLRQV LQGRRU EXW FDQQRW EH RSHUDWHG outdoors in France in the whole of the band until further notice. 7KLV SURGXFW FRPSOLHV ZLWK WKH UHTXLUHPHQW RI the 1999/5/EC directive. 0RGLÀFDWLRQV 0RGLÀFDWLRQV QRW DXWKRUL]HG E\ WKH manufacturer may void user's authority to operate this product. Your product is designed and manufactured ZLWK KLJK TXDOLW\ PDWHULDOV DQG FRPSRQHQWV which can be recycled and reused. When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product it means that the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/ EC. ´0DGH IRU L3RGµ ´0DGH IRU L3KRQHµ DQG ´0DGH IRU L3DGµ PHDQ WKDW DQ HOHFWURQLF DFFHVVRU\ KDV EHHQ GHVLJQHG WR FRQQHFW VSHFLÀFDOO\ WR L3RG L3KRQH RU L3DG UHVSHFWLYHO\ DQG KDV EHHQ FHUWLÀHG E\ WKH GHYHORSHU WR PHHW Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. [. . . ] » AD7050W is connected to your home Wi-Fi network successfully. 4 Tap ALLOW (allow) to share your Wi-Fi settings with AD7050W. EN 9 Engl i s h » $IWHU D ZKLOH WKH LQGLFDWRU RQ WKH EDFN RI $': WXUQV VROLG JUHHQ DQG the unit beeps. )ROORZ WKH VHTXHQFH EHORZ IRU FRQQHFWLRQ RI AD7050W to a non-WPS Wi-Fi router. 1 Collect settings of your home Wi-Fi router and write down on paper for use during AD7050W Wi-Fi setup (see 'Collect settings of your home Wi-Fi router' on page 11). Make sure that AD7050W is in Assisted :L)L 6HWXS PRGH , I QRW VZLWFK AD7050W to Assisted Wi-Fi Setup mode (see 'Switch AD7050W to Assisted Wi-Fi Setup mode' on page 11). » A new Wi-Fi network created by $': ZLOO DSSHDU ZLWK WKH network name (SSID) of Philips AD7050W. Find the Wi-Fi settings tab and write down the following information on paper: A Network name (SSID) B :L)L VHFXULW\ PRGH XVXDOO\ :(3 WPA or WPA2 if enabled) C Wi-Fi password (if Wi-Fi security is enabled) D DHCP mode (enabled or disabled) E Static IP address settings (if DHCP mode is disabled) ‡ Press Wi-Fi SETUP on the back of AD7050W. » A new Wi-Fi network created by $': ZLOO DSSHDU ZLWK WKH network name (SSID) of Philips AD7050W. » It may take up to 45 seconds for successful creation of this new Wi-Fi network. Note ‡ $IWHU \RX ÀQLVK PDQXDO :L)L VHWXS IRU $': ‡ ‡ the new Wi-Fi network created by AD7050W will disappear. , I \RX IDLO WR HQWHU $VVLVWHG :L)L 6HWXS PRGH SRZHU RII $': DQG SRZHU RQ LW WKHQ WU\ DJDLQ DIWHU successful boot-up. Make sure that there are no other Philips AirPlayenabled devices in Assisted Wi-Fi Setup mode at the same time. Multiple Wi-Fi networks created this way may interfere with each other. Switch AD7050W to Assisted Wi-Fi Setup mode Note ‡ %HIRUH \RX SUHVV DQ\ EXWWRQ RQ $': PDNH VXUH that AD7050W has been booted up successfully (see 'Turn AD7050W on' on page 7). EN 11 Engl i s h Collect settings of your home Wi-Fi router Connect your Wi-Fi enabled device to the newly created Wi-Fi network The new Wi-Fi network created by AD7050W only allows access of one Wi-Fi enabled device. To avoid interference from any other Wi-Fi GHYLFHV \RX DUH UHFRPPHQGHG WR WHPSRUDULO\ disable the Wi-Fi function on your other Wi-Fi devices. Option 1: Use your iPod touch/iPhone/iPad Philips AD7050W 1 Select Settings -> Wi-Fi on your iPod touch/iPhone/iPad. 3 Wait until successful Wi-Fi connection on your iPod touch/iPhone/iPad. » is displayed at the upper left corner of your iPod touch/iPhone/iPad. Tip ‡ If Philips AD7050W LV QRW LQ WKH OLVW WU\ WR VFDQ WKH available Wi-Fi networks again. Option 2: Use your Wi-Fi enabled PC/Mac Note 2 ‡ See the user manual of your PC/Mac for how to Select Philips AD7050W from the list of available networks. connect your PC/Mac to a Wi-Fi network. ‡ 'XULQJ :L)L QHWZRUN FRQQHFWLRQ GR QRW FRQQHFW DQ\ network cable to your PC/Mac. 1 2 12 EN Open the Wi-Fi setup tool or control panel on your PC/Mac. Scan the available Wi-Fi networks. Tip ‡ If Philips AD7050W LV QRW LQ WKH OLVW WU\ WR VFDQ WKH available Wi-Fi networks again. Engl i s h Open the built-in web page of AD7050W 1 3 Select Philips AD7050W from the list of available networks. Launch Apple Safari browser or any other Internet browser on your Wi-Fi enabled device. Type in 192. 168. 1. 1 at the browser DGGUHVV EDU DQG FRQÀUP » 7KH $': FRQÀJXUDWLRQ ZHE page is displayed. 2 192. 168. 1. 1 4 Wait until successful Wi-Fi connection on your PC/Mac. If you use Safari on your Wi-Fi enabled PC/ Mac, you can also select 'Philips AD7050W XXX' from the Bonjour pull-down list to EN 13 HQWHU WKH $': FRQÀJXUDWLRQ ZHE SDJH directly. 1 Click -> Preferences. » The Bookmarks menu is displayed. Change the internal Wi-Fi settings of AD7050W 2Q WKH $': FRQÀJXUDWLRQ ZHE SDJH you can change the internal Wi-Fi settings of AD7050W for connection of AD7050W to your existing home Wi-Fi network. Note ‡ 0DNH VXUH WKDW WKH VHWWLQJV RQ WKH FRQÀJXUDWLRQ ZHE page match your home Wi-Fi network settings that you wrote on paper. 2 Tick Include Bonjour for Bookmarks bar. 3 Select 'Philips AD7050W XXX' from the Bonjour pull-down list shown at the bookmarks bar. » 7KH $': FRQÀJXUDWLRQ ZHE page is displayed. ‡ Follow the on-screen instructions to FKDQJH DQG FRQÀUP WKH LQWHUQDO :L)L settings of AD7050W. » $IWHU D ZKLOH WKH LQGLFDWRU RQ WKH EDFN RI $': WXUQV VROLG JUHHQ DQG the unit beeps. » AD7050W is connected to your existing home Wi-Fi network successfully. 14 EN Note ‡ If the WI-FI SETUP indicator on AD7050W does not WXUQ VROLG JUHHQ LW PHDQV WKDW WKH :L)L FRQQHFWLRQ has failed. Please power off both your Wi-Fi router and AD7050W and then power on them again to see whether AD7050W can be connected to your home :L)L QHWZRUN , I WKH SUREOHP UHPDLQV WU\ WKH DERYH procedures again. $IWHU \RX ÀQLVK WKH DERYH FKDQJHV RU SRZHURII DQG SRZHURQ RI $': WKH QHZ :L)L QHWZRUN created by AD7050W will disappear. Engl i s h ‡ Tip ‡ , I \RX OLNH \RX FDQ FKDQJH WKH QDPH RI \RXU $': in Advanced settings -> AirPlay Device Name on the $': FRQÀJXUDWLRQ ZHE SDJH 7KLV LV KHOSIXO ZKHQ you have multiple Philips AirPlay-enabled devices in your house and you need to distinguish between them. If you want to enter the network name (SSID) manually IRU H[DPSOH LI \RX ZDQW WR KLGH \RXU 66, '  JR WR Advanced settings -> CONFIGURE MANUALLY on WKH $': FRQÀJXUDWLRQ ZHE SDJH ‡ Restore your Wi-Fi enabled device back to your existing home Wi-Fi setting Note ‡ Make sure that the settings at steps 2 to 3 below match your home Wi-Fi network settings you wrote on paper. 2 Select your network name (SSID) from the list of available wireless networks. 1 Select Settings -> Wi-Fi on your iPod touch/iPhone/iPad. ‡ Or open the list of available Wi-Fi networks on your PC/Mac. 3 4 (QWHU WKH QHWZRUN NH\ LI UHTXLUHG Wait until successful Wi-Fi connection to your home Wi-Fi network. EN 15 5 Play Stream audio from your iTunes music library to AD7050W Note ‡ Make sure that your iTunes host device is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as AD7050W. Your iTunes device can be an iPod touch/iPhone/iPad installed with iOS 4. 3 (or later) or a Wi-Fi enabled PC/Mac installed with iTunes 10 (or later). [. . . ] ‡ Avoid using Wi-Fi channel which is overlapped by the nearby Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi network connection failed ‡ Check if your Wi-Fi router is Wi-Fi EJ FHUWLÀHG 7KLV GHYLFH LV RQO\ FRPSDWLEOH ZLWK :L)L EJ FHUWLÀHG routers. EN 23 Engl i s h ‡ ‡ ‡ Check if your network speed is fast enough (in cases where multiple devices share the VDPH URXWHU WKH $LU3OD\ SHUIRUPDQFH PD\ be affected). Enable the Quality of Service (QoS) option (if available on the Wi-Fi router). Turn off other Wi-Fi routers. No AirPlay icon on my iTunes host device ‡ ‡ Make sure that AD7050W is already connected to your home Wi-Fi network. %HIRUH \RX RSHQ L7XQHV PDNH VXUH WKDW you have enabled Bonjour service in your PC. [. . . ]